27 Oct Dr. Steven Shepard Receives ASNT Lester Honor Lecture Award

Summary: Thermal Wave Imaging is pleased to announce that its President, Dr. Steven Shepard was presented with the 2016 Lester Honor Lecture Award at the ASNT 75th Anniversary Conference held in Long Beach, California.
Thermal Wave Imaging is pleased to announce that its President, Dr. Steven Shepard was presented with the 2016 Lester Honor Lecture Award at the ASNT 75th Anniversary Conference held in Long Beach, California last week. The Lester Honor Lecture Award recognizes “individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the science of nondestructive testing”. Dr. Shepard’s lecture, “30 Years of Thermography; Lessons Learned and Future Directions”, provided a personal overview of the evolution of modern thermography, emphasizing significant advances and unexpected developments that have occurred since the introduction of the IR camera.
Dr. Shepard earned his Ph. D in Physics from Wayne State University. He founded Thermal Wave in 1992 and has over 20 patents in the field of thermographic NDT. Previously, Dr. Shepard received the 2014 ASNT Research Innovation Award for the development of the Thermographic Signal Reconstruction (TSR) method. Asked about the Lester Honor Lecture Award, he said “It’s humbling to receive this recognition from ASNT, not only to me personally, but to my colleagues at Thermal Wave Imaging and to the entire field of thermography, which has made such incredible progress in the past 30 years. In that short time, thermography has grown from a laboratory curiosity to a widely used method for NDT and material characterization”.
About ASNT
The American Society for Non Destructive Testing was founded in 1941 and has been making the world a safer place for 75 years. It is the world’s largest technical society for NDT professionals. Currently, ASNT maintains more than 16,000 memberships, including nearly 700 Corporate Partner affiliated companies. ASNT promotes the discipline of NDT as a profession and enables research and technology applications.