Author: Maria Beemer

A paper by Thermal Wave Imaging authors Maria Frendberg Beemer and Steven Shepard is featured in the May/June 2020 issue of the SAMPE Journal, focused on Material and Structural Test Methods. The paper, entitled "Quantitative Comparison of Close-Proximity and Large-Standoff Thermography for Nondestructive Inspection of...

Exciting things are happening at Thermal Wave Imaging and we want to share some important news with you. After more than 20 years at our Ferndale, MI location, Thermal Wave Imaging has moved! ...

PRESS RELEASE July 29, 2019 Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc. Receives NAVAIR Phase II.5 SBIR Contract Award for Enhanced LASLAT Projection Thermography Development Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc., Ferndale, MI, USA; Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc. (TWI) has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II.5 contract from NAVAIR for further...